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ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑ | Σπαγγέτι με Ρεβίθι 400g
400 gr
7,13 €/ Kg
Offer only for AB Plus members: Buy 2 products and get 10 AB Plus points
From 2/10/2024 to 9/10/2024
Offer to all: Win 30% with every product
From 20/9/2024 to 1/1/2025See range
Offer to all: Win 30% with every product
From 2/10/2024 to 9/10/2024See range
400 gr
7,13 €/ Kg
Προϊόν με σιμιγδάλι σκληρού σιταριού και αλεύρι ρεβιθιού.